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Our Tool Shop

Tool solutions for your needs

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Tooling solutions for your application

Shaping injection molding ideas

We design, engineer, and build complex tools to ensure the best quality for your injection molding applications.

The right tools are inevitable to produce precise parts. OECHSLER is a turnkey injection molding partner and has thus established tooling as part of our DNA. The bundling of our construction technologies combined with state-of-the-art automation and digitalization sets standards for high-quality tools used in small or large series production for various application fields.

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Development & Tool Design

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Tool Making

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engineer handcrafting and refining tool for injection molding


Creating the perfect solution for injection molding

OECHSLER’s fundamental ambition is to develop the perfect injection molding solution for our customers to realize their product ideas in serial production – that includes an in-house tool shop and tool construction. We believe that quality excellence comes down to every detail. Thus, we support our customers in defining the specifications for tool design at an early stage.

engineer while developing tool for injection molding sitting in front of his work station

Development & tool design

Shaping tool design

For our well-proven and successful development process, our tool design team utilizes digital simulation, mold flow analysis, and rapid prototyping based on metal 3D printing. With our extensive expertise, we constantly optimize material choice, tool geometry, and durability. Thanks to close collaboration with our customers across iteration loops, we are taking their ideas to series production.

close up of polymer injection molding tool showing different parts and tubes

Tool making

Technology first

More than 120 injection molding tools are built every year at OECHSLER’s headquarters in Ansbach. We offer single- and multi-component tools – tailor-made for our customers to excel in their highest demands on precision, efficiency, durability, and quality. OECHSLER’s tool shop executes the full portfolio of fully digitalized and automated manufacturing technologies, providing the ideal tool solution for every molding material, application, and geometry.

hands of tool maker on molding forms for injection molding tool


Renowned partner for injection molding

Achieving the highest accuracy and precision already in tool manufacturing is of the most importance as they impact product quality. Thus, automated measuring, preventive maintenance define our testing procedure to excel at all quality requirements. OECHSLER executes injection molding in series production at five global sites for the automotive and healthcare industry. The long-lasting success of all our production lines is ensured by a skilled maintenance team across all plants.

final precise tool for metal laser printing

Selective laser melting

Metal 3D-printing

The combination of additive and subtractive construction technologies is decisive to realize complex geometries or additional functionality in injection molding tools. Thus, OECHSLER’s construction team operates metal 3D-printing for high-quality tools that, e.g., include near-contour cooling or shorten development cycles thanks to Rapid Tooling.

  • Europe

OECHSLER Weissenburg (Germany)

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  • Europe

OECHSLER Lipova (Romania)

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  • North America

OECHSLER Querétaro (Mexico)

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  • Asia Pacific

OECHSLER Taicang (China)

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  • Europe

OECHSLER Ansbach (Germany)

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Let's talk about your ideas - we are ready to support your project. Andreas Kastner Head of New Tooling
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